Registration Details

The Registration Table is located in the corner of the Main Mall of The Costa Mesa building. 

Regional Property Managers:

9am - 9:30 am at The Registration Table: Collect your name badge, seating assignment, meal ticket, and your team member packets from the registration table located in the Main Mall of The Costa Mesa Building.

Community Managers:

9:45 am - 10:30 am Locate your RPM and obtain your team members packet (includes yours and theirs name badges, seating assignments, and meal tickets.

Team Members:

9:45 am - 10:30 am Locate your CM and obtain your name badge, seating assignment, and meal ticket.

Senior Leadership and Corporate Team Members: 

9am - 10 am at The Registration Table: Collect your packet which includes your name badge, seating assignment, and meal ticket. If you are arriving early for the rehearsal, please stop at the registration table for your packet.